Privacy Policy
At OP BodyWorX, we respect your privacy and will never sell or rent your name, email address, or any other personally identifiable information to third-parties. However, we do share contact information with other companies contracted by OP BodyWorX to provide services on our behalf. For example, email addresses may be provided to our email marketing provider, but only for necessary functions as instructed by OP BodyWorX. These third-parties will never use your information for purposes besides those approved by OP BodyWorX.
If you provide your personal information to OP BodyWorXs, we will only use that information to send you news, information or promotions related to OP BodyWorX, or to service your membership. At any time, you may choose to unsubscribe from these newsletters or promotional emails by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email. To unsubscribe from personal emails sent by OP BodyWorX staff members, simply respond to that email with the text “unsubscribe.”
OP BodyWorX reserves the right to change our privacy policy at any time and for any reason.